ARLA/CLUSTER: 14 e 15 de Abril, Maritime Radio Day 2014

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Sexta-Feira, 28 de Fevereiro de 2014 - 12:51:14 WET

Maritime Radio Day 2014

Welcome to the Maritime Radio Day 2014 from April 14th 12.00 GMT to
April 15th 22.00 GMT

The Maritime Radio Day is held annually to remember the nearly 90
years of wireless service for seafarers. Since its beginning in 1900,
Maritime Radio was in use mainly until the end of 1998.

The MRD is open to all Amateur Radio Stations. Special stations (like
Coastal radios and ship callsigns) can participate to the MRD only if
operated by former Commercial or Navy operators, or by radio
technicians who worked in the installation and/or maintenance of naval

If you are a former merchant marine Wireless Operator (or former
technician) please register to this event by communicating your
certificate type/year and the details about your MRD activation to R/O
Rolf Marschner at: dl9cm


1 Bands: 160m, 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m & 10m & WARC
2 Mode: CW only
3 Power: not limited
4 QSO – Exchange: QSA, QRK, name, callsign of last or favorite ship /
aircraft / maintance company (DEBEG, SAIT, SIRM)
5 Silence periods do not have to be observed
6 Deadline of MRD-NC is 1st of May.
7 Certificate of participation (CoP) is available via e-mail only (see notes)
8 Results of MRD-NC will be published on MRD homepage
9 QSL cards: Each participant manages their own QSL card. There is no
qsl manager.


- QSA (1 to 5) is the strength of the received signal
- QRK (1 to 5) is the readability and additional a : tr, msg and/or a
qtc if you like
- Certificate of Participation (CoP):

SWL’s have to send a complete log entry.
Licensed operators can send their contact list with naval, coastal,
special stations to dl9cm

Our thanks to Mike Terry for the above information

Mais informações acerca da lista CLUSTER