ARLA/CLUSTER: HamRadioNow: Yaesu's System (Con)Fusion

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Segunda-Feira, 25 de Agosto de 2014 - 13:16:45 WEST

HamRadioNow: Yaesu's System (Con)Fusion

In this episode of HamRadioNow *Gary Pearce KN4AQ* compares digital voice
HT's running C4FM, D-STAR, P-25 and DMR

Gary's QST review of the Yaesu FTM-400 and FT1DR digital mobile and HT was
long. This "addendum" video is even longer. You get your money's worth. We
play with the radios thru a DR-1 repeater, and then compare HT's running
Yaesu's C4FM, D-STAR, P-25 and DMR (MotoTRBO).

(Con)Fusion? Well, that's more on our part during the HT demo, but there
are still some open questions about how this is all going to work. And
maybe we're thinking about the 4 incompatible digital voice modes now
populating VHF-UHF.

Watch Episode 161: Yaesu's System (Con)Fusion

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