ARLA/CLUSTER: Re: [CT-Com. & Tec.] Cientistas solares acreditam que vamos ter baixos ciclos solares, quiça mesmo um Mínimo de Maunder
Carlos Mourato
Quarta-Feira, 30 de Abril de 2014 - 14:34:34 WEST
lá vamos ter de migrar para os 160m e para os 500KHz se quisermos fazer
QSOs a londa distancia!...Os EAs é que estão perdidos!...Como é que vão dar
continuidade à penicada nos 40m?
*Cumprimentos: CT4RK Carlos Mourato - Sines - Portugal*
*Best regards from: CT4RK Carlos Mourato - Sines - Portugal*
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*Salve o espectro electromagnético!. Não use a rede electrica para
transmitir dados. Os "homeplugs power line" e a tecnologia "power line"
causa fortes interferencias noutro serviços sem voce se aperceber. Diga não
à tecnologia power line. Proteja o ambiente electromagnético. Utilize
tecnologia de redes sem fio, denominadas wireless.*
2014-04-30 13:30 GMT+01:00 João Costa > CT1FBF <ct1fbf>:
> Extended solar ebb may lie ahead
> The *ARRL* report that Amateur Radio propagation guru *Carl Luetzelschwab
> K9LA* says we may be seeing an extended solar ebb
> Amateur Radio propagation and solar phenomena authority Carl
> Luetzelschwab, K9LA, said in an April 27 webinar, “Are We Headed into
> Another Maunder Minimum? What Does That Mean for Propagation?†that most
> solar scientists believe several low solar cycles lie ahead, ushering in
> periods of diminished HF propagation, especially on the higher bands.
> Luetzelschwab, who maintains K9LA’s Amateur Radio Propagation Web Site and
> pens a regular “Propagation†column for NCJ, stopped short of concluding
> that we’ll experience a Maunder minimum — an extended period of very few or
> no sunspots. As the Marshall Space Flight Center’s “Solar Physics†web page
> explains, early sunspot records indicate that the Sun went through an
> inactive period from about 1645 to 1715 — called the Maunder minimum after
> the scientist who discovered it — when very few sunspots were observed.
> “Right now there’s nothing bulletproof to say we’re heading into a Maunder
> minimum, so we’re just going to have to wait and see,†Luetzelschwab told
> the webinar, sponsored by the World Wide Radio Operators Foundation
> (WWROF). “It sure looks like something inside the sun changed around the
> peak of Cycle 23. There’s lots of evidence that we’re entering a grand
> solar minimum. But I don’t think any of the solar scientists are 100
> percent sure that we’re going to see a Maunder-type minimum.â€
> Read the full ARRL story at
> K9LA’s Amateur Radio Propagation Web Site
> --
> --
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