ARLA/CLUSTER: CQ quer angariar mais publicudade
João Gonçalves Costa
Segunda-Feira, 30 de Setembro de 2013 - 11:09:16 WEST
Kummer named Advertising Manager for all CQ publications
CQ Communications President Richard Ross, K2MGA, has announced the appointment of Jon Kummer, WA2OJK, to head the company's advertising department, effective immediately.
Kummer succeeds Charlie Payne as Advertising Manager for CQ Amateur Radio, Popular Communications, CQ VHF and WorldRadio Online magazines.
Kummer is no stranger to CQ or to many in the hobby radio industry, having sold advertising in the past for CQ Amateur Radio, Popular Communications and WorldRadio Online, as well as Modern Electronics and Electronic Servicing & Technology when those were CQ publications.
A resident of Port Washington, New York, Kummer has held WA2OJK since 1970, and has been in magazine publishing since 1980. Magazines he has represented in addition to various CQ titles include Electronic Engineering Times, Military and Aerospace Electronics and Microwaves & RF. An avid collector and restorer of antique radios and TVs, Jon is also currently editor and publisher of Antique Radio Classified, a role in which he will continue.
"I'm very happy to be back at CQ again," said Kummer, "with the opportunity to represent all four of our excellent publications, as well as our online platforms. Our combined readership spans the hobby radio spectrum from scanner monitors and CBers to longtime hams. I look forward to helping our advertisers and potential advertisers connect with this unique audience."
Jon Kummer may be reached by e-mail at jon.kummer or by phone at 516-883-1641.
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