ARLA/CLUSTER: Radioamadores com 54,
72 e 83 anos criam sucesso mundial
João Costa > CT1FBF
Segunda-Feira, 23 de Setembro de 2013 - 13:15:07 WEST
Radio hams create worldwide success
Cheshire News reports a Stockton Heath radio amateur has been putting
technology he created many years ago to good use
The newspaper says that Colin Horrabin G3SBI, aged 72, is a member of
Warrington Amateur Radio Club (WARC) and with the help of Dave Roberts
G8KBB, aged 54, also from Stockton Heath and George Fare G3OGQ, aged
83, from Latchford, released a new radio HF7070, which is now used by
more than 800 enthusiasts worldwide.
Colin made use of components he once developed 20 years ago while
working at the Daresbury Laboratory.
Read the full story at
Warrington Amateur Radio Club (WARC)
ARRL QEX - The HF7070 HF/LF Communications Receiver Prototype
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