ARLA/CLUSTER: Yaesu anuncia que vai vender repetidores digitais para amadores não compativeis com o D-Star

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Segunda-Feira, 23 de Setembro de 2013 - 12:54:02 WEST

Yaesu announces digital voice repeater

 Gary Pearce KN4AQ has released a video of the Yaesu announcement at
the ARRL/TAPR digital Communications Conference

Gary says: Yaesu announced a digital repeater at the ARRL and TAPR DCC
in Seattle on Friday. Yaesu's VP for North America Dennis
Motschenbacher K7BV said the repeater is compatible with Yaesu's
digital handheld, introduced at Dayton 2012, and mobile radio,
introduced at this year's Hamvention®.

It is not compatible with D-STAR, MotoTRBO, or P25, the three primary
VHF/UHF digital modes in use today.

Watch HamRadioNow Episode 99: Yaesu Announces Digital Voice Repeater

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