ARLA/CLUSTER: Radioamadores australianos ganham consulta publica pela manutenção do segmento de 2300 a 2302 MHz

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Sexta-Feira, 20 de Setembro de 2013 - 13:50:50 WEST

VK amateurs win reprieve for 2300-2302 MHz

The Wireless Institute of Australia (WIA) reports that VK amateurs may
win a reprieve for the 2300-2302 MHz amateur band, which is under
threat from spectrum licensing.

In February 2013, the Australian Communications and Media Authority
(ACMA - Australia's equivalent to Ofcom) released a discussion paper
proposing to withdraw the 2300-2302 MHz amateur allocation so that
2300-2400 MHz could be re-allocated for Spectrum Licensing.

The WIA made a submission in response to the discussion paper, seeking
to have a 150 kHz segment, from 2300-2300.15 MHz, retained for the
amateur service on at least a co-primary basis.

The ACMA has posted a report on its website (September 17th) that it
received 124 submissions in response to the discussion paper, from
which an overwhelming number objected to the ACMA’s proposal.

A staggering 93% of submissions disagreed with the ACMA’s proposal,
and of those, 30% indicated support for the position advocated by the
WIA. Many submissions of the 124 sent to the ACMA were from

The ACMA has advised that, after considering the information provided
in the submissions, its view is that the amateur service would be
unable to retain co-primary status if 2300-2400 MHz was spectrum

However, the ACMA goes on to say that it will work closely with the
WIA to “test whether a coexistence licensing arrangement might be
developed under section 138 of the Radiocommunications Act.”
Section 138 provides for a class licence to be issued within
spectrum-licensed bands where it would not result in unacceptable
levels of interference to equipment operated under the spectrum

The WIA says that it looks forward to working with the ACMA to achieve
a positive outcome for the 2300-2302 MHz band in Australia.


Roger Harrison VK2ZRH

ACMA - Proposed reallocation of 2300–2302 MHz band

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