ARLA/CLUSTER: IARU anuncia o tema para o Dia Mundial do Radioamador
(18 de Abril)
João Costa > CT1FBF
Sexta-Feira, 11 de Outubro de 2013 - 13:11:28 WEST
IARU choses anniversary day theme
Each year on 18 April is World Amateur Radio Day, which celebrates the
founding of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) in 1925.
The theme 'Amateur Radio: Your Gateway to Wireless Communications' has
been chosen for the day in 2014.
In 100 years it has evolved from crude spark-gap technology to digital
signal processing and software-defined radios.
The IARU understands that the date is close to Easter. It encourages
activity earlier or later to gain as much exposure and publicity as
possible for modern and easily accessed amateur radio.
For that reason, the Wireless Institute of Australia has chosen April the
13 to the 15th to celebrate World Amateur Radio Day - by holding its
PR4AmateurRadio Expo.
Remember the Expo is not a competition, but an opportunity for everyone
whether at a public display or on the air, to show amateur radio to the
Only six months to go. Will you be involved? Check out the WIA website
under the 'What’s On' column for more details.
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