ARLA/CLUSTER: BBC TV visita centro de controlo do FUNcube

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Segunda-Feira, 25 de Novembro de 2013 - 13:11:02 WET

BBC TV visit FUNcube station at RSGB National Radio Centre

On Friday, November 22 a film crew from the BBC Breakfast show visited
the RSGB National Radio Centre (NRC) at Bletchley Park to interview
the FUNcube Project team about the new educational amateur radio
satellite FUNcube-1 (AO-73)

BBC presenter John Maguire interviewed Graham Shirville G3VZV at the
GB3RS station in the NRC. Other members of the FUNcube team were
filmed making a SSB contact from the Bletchley Park car park using the
linear transponder on FUNcube-1.

BBC reporter John Maguire (left) interviews Graham Shirville G3VZV at the NRC

The interview should be broadcast on the BBC One TV Breakfast show on
Monday, November 25, between 6 and 9 AM. Shortly after a recording of
the show should be made available for 7 days to view on the web at

The FUNcube segment will be short, only 2 or 3 minutes, but should be
shown several times during the 3 hour show possibly at 10 minutes
before each hour.

BBC One TV live on the web

BBC Breakfast show

FUNcube-1 Deployed !!!


See also:
First FUNcube-1 Educational Outreach

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