ARLA/CLUSTER: ED7ZAB DXCluster irá encerrar

Pedro Ribeiro ct7abp
Terça-Feira, 28 de Maio de 2013 - 19:22:18 WEST

Boa tarde,

Recebi agora a notícia de que um dos DXCluster mais conhecidos da 
Europa, ED7ZAB-5 irá previsivelmente encerrar devido à falta de 
condições para a manutenção.

Para além de ser consultado directamente por muitos utilizadores, este 
nó funcionava também como um importante "hub" de interligação de muitos 
DXCluster regionais.
Prevejo que sua falha irá provocar alguma instabilidade na rede mundial 
de DXCluster e o isolamento de alguns grupos de servidores da rede 
mundial até que estabeleçam novos acordos de troca de dados.

Neste momento o ED7ZAB-5 tem 110 utilizadores ligados, dos quais 33 são 
links para outros nós.

Enquanto Sysop do CS5SEL-5, sei que será uma perda importante enquanto 
"upstream link" (o melhor até ao momento), no entanto posso assegurar 
que via os restantes 3 links F1OYP-8, ON6LR-5 e VE7CC-1 a conectividade 
estará assegurada.
Estamos já a tentar negociar links adicionais para compensar esta perda.
O nosso obrigado ao ex. sysop Angel (EA7WA) pelo apoio e ensinamentos 
que permitiram a reactivação do nosso DXCluster à cerca de 3 anos.


Fonte: DXSpider Support List

On 27-05-2013 22:31, Rene Olsen wrote:> Hi.
 > Not sure if anyone else have received the following mail. And it 
isn't exactly dxspider related.
 > But thought that it might be of interest to some sysops, as ED7ZAB-5 
has a lot of users and
 > links all over the world.
 > Looks like since the old sysop, Angel, stopped as sysop for the 
system, they have not been
 > able to find anyone to maintain the linux system. Therefore they have 
decided to move the
 > WEB service to a Windows platform, and close down all other services, 
such as dxspider
 > and xnode.
 > Here is the mail I received.
 > -----
 > In the U.R.C. ever since 20 years we bet loudly for the DxCluster, being
 > pioneers in Spain in this technology. During this time we have obtained a
 > very stable system and fruit of it has been the quantity of 
DxClusters and
 > users who have connected and still continue doing it. This stability 
of the
 > system has been confirmed in the latter year, since it is totally
 > disregarded and without any maintenance, all this since the sysop was
 > resigning his post. The system under Linux has confirmed his fully
 > capability and reliability. It continues working on autonomous form, 
the URC
 > had raise not to continue  the system due to the  lack of partners 
who know
 > these operating system and who want to take charge of his maintenance.
 > The own servant lodges also the WEB services of our association
 >  We are working to change it to Windows Server and the
 > migration contemplates only the WEB services. This migth hapend soon in
 > time (we calculate that occurs on a few weeks), services,  DxCluster 
and the
 > XNode will be swchit off.
 > We want to give you them thanks to all that you trusted in us, for so 
 > years. Also to the University of Cordoba who is still us providing 
 > of our systems and a connection to  Internet.
 > Many thanks to all.
 > The Board of directors of Union de Radioaficionados de Cordoba (U.R.C.)
 > -----
 > There is no exact date, and who knows, maybe they will find a 
solution before closing time
 > has arrived.
 > Vy 73 de René / OZ1LQH

Callsign: CT7ABP
QRA: Pedro Ribeiro
GRID Locator: IM58mr
QTH: São Francisco, Alcochete, Portugal

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