Domingo, 19 de Maio de 2013 - 12:41:55 WEST
Aqui vai:
Thanks to KD4CWB for the basis for this modification
To modify the transmitter to cover 142 - 151.995 Mhz and 420-449.995 Mhz,
perform the following steps:
MOST IMPORTANT - this mod will do a reset on your radio and erase ALL of
your settings (memory, APRS, menus, etc.). Use the computer program to
pull all of the settings out BEFORE you go any further. Or if no computer,
a very large tablet. This radio has many many programable features.
Turn off the radio and disconnect the power
Remove the five screws from bottom cover (not the side with the speaker).
Remove the bottom cover. It may take a little prying with a small
REMEMBER if you haven't saved your settings, all will be lost if you
proceed beyond this point.
Cut ONLY the famous Kenwood green wire, located near the voice synthesizer
board connector. The green wire ties two PC board lands together and is
about 1/2" long. Make sure the ends can't short against anything.
Reinstall the bottom cover.
Reapply power and turn the radio on (it will automatically reset).
Use the computer program to reinstall all of your operating parameters. I
found that the load ALL function did not seem to do everything. Try the
load MEMORY and MENU selections too. Or prepare to spend a whole bunch of
time re-entering all of your parameters that you wrote down in step 1.
Em Sat, 18 May 2013 23:59:53 +0100, <ct2jnm> escreveu:
> Procuro ajuda.
> Tenho um Kenwood TMD700. Em VHF faz TX de 144 a 146. Ora Preciso de
> trabalhar com ele numa frequência privada (de uma empresa de eventos
> aqui da zona) na faixa dos 152.000 MHz.
> Há algum colega que saiba se é possível abrir o TX deste equipamento
> para abranger aquela frequência?
> Já procurei na net e não encontrei nada sobre o assunto, pois se é
> possível não sei se será através de algum menu ouse tenha que
> desmanchar o equipamento e fazer alguma alteração.
> Bem haja a todos.
> 73
> CT2JNM - Nuno Fonseca
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