ARLA/CLUSTER: Video de Introdução ao radioamadorismo

Gomes ct1hix
Segunda-Feira, 29 de Julho de 2013 - 12:05:39 WEST

Tem formação pratica é muito interessante para quem está a iniciar.
Formação com um programa nacional comum,  criada e posta em pratica 
pelas associações podia ser uma actividade muito interessante.

73 Gomes, CT1HIX

Em 29-07-2013 11:09, João Costa > CT1FBF escreveu:
> Introduction to Amateur Radio video
> The website Essex Ham has just released an updated version of a short
> video that's designed to encourage more people into the hobby.
> The seven-minute video explains the basics of amateur radio, and then
> looks at a typical Foundation training course, showing how easy it is
> to get started in the hobby.
> Designed to give a taste of amateur radio in the UK, the video was
> first used as part of a training talk for members of the Chelmsford
> Amateur Radio Society in July.
> The video gives a brief overview of the Foundation syllabus, including
> extracts of a new series of Foundation training slides. The Foundation
> practical assessments are featured too, based on the experiences of
> Kelly Atkins, M6KFA, presenter of the FrequencyCast Technology Show,
> as she gained her Foundation licence earlier this year.
> You can find the video here:
> Direct YouTube Link:
> Essex Ham Link:
> The video has been produced by Pete Sipple M0PSX, one of the training
> team with Chelmsford ARS and Thames ARG in Essex.
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