RE: ARLA/CLUSTER: ARRL defende encriptação das comunicações de emergencia

Filipe Ferreira filipect1ddw
Quarta-Feira, 10 de Julho de 2013 - 16:23:15 WEST

João agradecido mas é o contrário, a ARRL é contra a encriptação.73s

Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 12:59:05 +0100
From: ct1fbf
To: cluster
Subject: ARLA/CLUSTER: ARRL defende encriptação das comunicações de emergencia

ARRL fights Ham Radio encryption
Radio amateurs are currently permitted to encrypt control links but
the ARRL is fighting proposals to permit the encryption of emergency
communications traffic
The ARRL say:
The ARRL is calling on the FCC to deny a Petition for Rule Making
(RM-11699) seeking to permit the encryption of certain amateur
communications during emergency operations or related training
exercises. Don Rolph, AB1PH, of E Walpole, Massachusetts, petitioned
the Commission in March to suggest an additional exception to §97.113,
which currently prohibits “messages encoded for the purpose of
obscuring their meaning.”
“While Mr Rolph has concisely stated his argument, it is ARRL’s
considered view that there is no factual or legal basis for the
assumption that encryption of transmissions…is necessary in order to
continue and enhance the utility of Amateur Radio emergency and
disaster relief communications,” the League said in its comments,
filed today with the FCC. The ARRL also turned away Rolph’s assertion
that the current prohibition in §97.113 “has impacted the relationship
of Amateur Radio volunteers and served agencies and significantly
limited the effectiveness of amateurs in supporting emergency
communications.” The League said it’s unaware of any evidence that
served agencies have been reluctant to utilize Amateur Radio as part
of their emergency or disaster relief communications plans because of
the encryption restrictions in Part 97. The Amateur Service rule is
based on a similar prohibition in international telecommunication law,
the ARRL noted.
Read the full ARRL story at

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