ARLA/CLUSTER: Como prever missões de radio-balões de alta altitude.

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Quinta-Feira, 19 de Dezembro de 2013 - 12:19:23 WET

How high-altitude balloon missions stay on track

In The Register Lester Haines interviews radio amateur Daniel Richman
M0ZDR (ex-M6DRX) about the impressive Cambridge University Space
Flight (CUSF) Landing Predictor

Rob Anderson wrote the original landing predictor for High Altitude
Balloons in 2008. Since then it's been continually updated to improve
performance, and now offers anyone wanting to send a balloon aloft the
chance of seeing very quickly indeed just where it'll burst and where
they should head to recover their precious load.

Others who've worked on the predictor in the past five years are
Fergus Noble M0NBL, Ed Moore M0TEK, Jon Sowman M0JSN and Adam Greig

Read Fair winds and following servers: The art of flight prediction

Daniel, then M6DRX, was one of three pupils at the Reading School who
in 2010 built the Alien-1 high altitude balloon

CUSF Landing Predictor

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