ARLA/CLUSTER: Competição entre clubes de radiamadores na Irlanda

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Segunda-Feira, 19 de Agosto de 2013 - 13:59:00 WEST

EI13CLAN Challenge
The first Club to try for the EI13CLAN challenge was Dundalk, which
put up an excellent score over a 24 hour period.

There was a major SSB contest on during that period, so on SSB the
club was limited to the WARC bands only. Next clubs to go are Shannon
Basin, followed by Network Southern Area Radio Experimenters Club.

There are still a number of 24 hour weekend slots available to Clubs
wishing to compete, including slots for all bands and modes.

Any club that would like to have a go for the Icom 756 pro on offer
for the highest score should contact Dave EI6AL: full details of the
challenge and the relevant contact details are on the IRTS website.

Mais informações acerca da lista CLUSTER