ARLA/CLUSTER: Reino Unido define novas regras na banda larga móvel e de comunicação máquina-a-máquina.

João Gonçalves Costa joao.a.costa
Segunda-Feira, 12 de Agosto de 2013 - 10:20:02 WEST

The future role of spectrum sharing for wireless data services

Ofcom has just published a consultation on the role that spectrum sharing could play in meeting the future capacity demands of mobile broadband and machine-to-machine communications.

Spectrum sharing is the principle of allowing multiple users to exploit the same band of spectrum - rather than it being allocated to a dedicated single user. While not suitable in all circumstances, a key benefit of this approach is that spectrum, the vital but finite resource that underpins wireless communications services, can be used more efficiently.

Ofcom is seeking to understand how enabling more spectrum shared on licensed, licence-exempt and a dynamic-access basis could increase spectrum availability in the future and encourage innovation. As part of this, Ofcom is considering how to best sustain the important role Wi-Fi is already playing in providing wireless connectivity.

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