ARLA/CLUSTER: Será possivel: Um transceptor de 100 MHz a 3 GHz por 300 Dolares.?

João Gonçalves Costa joao.a.costa
Quarta-Feira, 24 de Outubro de 2012 - 12:12:01 WEST

100 MHz to 6 GHz Transceiver for $300 ?
Forbes reports on Michael Ossmann's latest project, an Open Source transceiver covering 100 MHz to 6 GHz.

Although not stated in the article, it is presumed the RF output from the transceiver may only be a few milliwatts.

Read the Forbes article at

Video at

Further info at

Surprisingly this proposed Open Source transceiver does not use an FPGA and has a low resolution, however, it points to a future of flexible software defined transceivers at a low price point.

The National Instruments company Ettus Research, founded by a radio amateur Matt Ettus N2MJI, produces the popular USRP(tm) family of SDR products which are aimed at the high performance segment of the market. Further information at

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