ARLA/CLUSTER: Regulamento do CQWW???

ct1hix ct1hix
Segunda-Feira, 22 de Outubro de 2012 - 16:34:15 WEST

Segundo este ponto do regulamento do CQWW a estação multiplicadora tem  
ou não que cumprir a regra dos 10 minutos?
A duvida surge porque neste ponto aparece a frase "The run and  
multiplier transmitters are governed by independent ten minute rules."

"1. Single Transmitter (MS): Only one transmitter and one band  
permitted during any 10-minute period (run transmitter).Exception:  
One- and only one-other band may be used during any 10-minute period,  
if-and only if-, the station worked is a new multiplier (multiplier  
transmitter). The run and multiplier transmitters are governed by  
independent ten minute rules. Ten-minute periods are defined as  
starting with the first logged QSO on a band (see Rule XII.2). The  
multiplier station cannot call CQ (solicit contacts). Logs found in  
violation of the 10-minute rule may be reclassified as M2. The log  
must indicate which transmitter (run or multiplier) made each QSO."

Gomes op. CT1HIX

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