ARLA/CLUSTER: As canas de pesca voltam a "atacar": "QRP SSB DXing" desde a praia

João Gonçalves Costa joao.a.costa
Segunda-Feira, 1 de Outubro de 2012 - 14:19:17 WEST

QRP SSB DXing from the beach

Pete M3ZXZ got up early on Sunday to work some impressive DX using just 2.5 watts of SSB and a simple wire antenna.

On the G-QRP list Pete writes:

Well well well. I go to the beach and set up at 0530 UT [Sunday, September 30]. My dogs happily running around while I sat on end of a groyne with just a simple wire vertical on a fishing pole fed against a 3.9m counterpoise wire, and tuned with the Elecraft T1 ATU.

Heard several strong VK and ZL, but every time I responded to a QRZ I was drowned in very strong "I" and "EA" stations. Was getting a bit dejected and started to wonder if I was actually putting anything out - checked, and sure enough, all good.

Heard IS0FDW calling CQ on 18158.00 - responded and made contact. Nice little QSO with my 2.5W SSB. At least I knew now that all okay my end. Heard strong VK on 18165, but it was bedlam whenever he said "QRZ"!

Went back down to 20, tried the VK and ZL stations again but no luck. Then on 14222.95 heard ZD7FT calling CQ. Responded and he heard me. Managed to exchange calls and sigs at 0725 UT, but then one of my dogs caught my power lead and unplugged it from the rig! Plugged back in by which time ZD7FT was in QSO with another fella. At this time, I didn't know where ZD7FT was - for some reason I kept thinking ZD was Africa, and I've only just found now that I'm home that it's St Helena Island. Very pleased :)

After that, I was thinking it was time to make tracks home. But had a quick tune first and heard VK7ROY in QSO on 14200. After a couple of minutes he called QRZ for UK stations. I responded, but a bit of a melee kicked off with the usual I and EA stations thinking that "UK stations only please" meant them. VK7ROY called again, "QRZ UK only", I responded and he got me. Then had an amazing QSO with him. My sigs to him were 54 but we had no problem at all copying and I am grateful to everybody else for standing by. 2.5W SSB and good copy - my very first VK and I was gobsmacked. THANK YOU ROY!

So, WOW, what a morning. Perfect. Dogs had a great time and so did I. Mrs M just thinks I'm barking mad :)

Pete M3KXZ
GQRP 11767

G-QRP Yahoo Group

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