ARLA/CLUSTER: EURAO Newsletter December 2012

Associação de Radioamadores do Litoral Alentejano cs5arla
Sexta-Feira, 30 de Novembro de 2012 - 11:36:34 WET

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: EURAO <eurao>
Date: 2012/11/30
Subject: EURAO Newsletter December 2012
   [image: EURAO]<>
Radio Amateurs' Organization open to the world wide amateur radio community
[image: news]

Amateur Radio News...
 EURAO Newsletter December 2012:

<> In
this issue you will find:

   - Season's Greetings from the President
   - Management report and balance 2005-2012
   - EURAO in Europe. Growing up!
   - 200 anniversary of Hendrik Conscience
   - International QSL Service
   - New members: Federación de Clubes de Radioaficionados de Chile
   - *EANET*: Radio Clubs of the World Award
   - PLT affaire, EURAO rol and EC replay
   - *CQ ENCE*: Certificate of Participation
   - EANET Sprint Contest winners
   - About our members: *CISAR* and *FEDI-EA*

*EURAO* Newsletter comes out quarterly, either in *pdf* format and as a *
website*. Spread the word!

Unsubscribe: If you do not wish to receive this newsletter any more, just
reply to this email stating UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject. If you prefer to
receive it in another email, tell us the old and new address, and we will
change it.
© 2005-2012 *EURAO - European Radio Amateurs'


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