ARLA/CLUSTER: RF Spreadsheet now online

João Gonçalves Costa joao.a.costa
Segunda-Feira, 19 de Novembro de 2012 - 14:03:39 WET

Andy Foad G0FTD has made a collection of RF calculations available in a spreadsheet.

Amongst the calculations are:

RF Loss though concrete
Barometric pressure conversions
Maidenhead distance and beam heading calculator
Audio filters (RC networks)
Unknown feeder impedance calculator
Loop antenna impedance calculator
FM bandwidth (Carson's rule) now includes modulation index.
L network matching component values
Capacitive and inductive reactances
Bandwidth tuned circuit
Radio range and VHF/UHF/Microwave
Freespace path loss
Resonance series tuned circuit
Resonance // tuned circuit
Power received from tx to rx
Groundwave range calculation
Near field (REACTIVE) region of an antenna
Calculation of skin effect on conductors (2 methods)
Series Resistance calculator for LED's, Lamps and crude nicad charging
Impedance calculator including phase and power factor and relative SWR.
Quarter wave transformer calculator
Electrical quarter wave calculator
Impedance of custom air spaced coax
Air spaced capacitor designer
All of Ohms law and power laws
Conversion of AC and DC values RMS etc
Conversion of milliwatts to dbm
Conversion of dbuV to dbm
Amidon cores inductance designer and related info included.
Power and voltage decibel ratio's.
Coax losses and approx capacity per 30cm
Coax voltage breakdown and capacity per foot
Single layer air cored inductance designer
Capacitor markings guide
Resonant speaker tubes to act as CW peak filters
db versus multiplication factor both power and voltage
Galactic noise levels
uV to dbm convertor
Milliwatts to dbm convertor

You can download the spreadsheets from

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