ARLA/CLUSTER: Ficção científica torna-se real graças às antenas Fractal desenvolvidas por radioamadoresr

João Gonçalves Costa joao.a.costa
Terça-Feira, 13 de Novembro de 2012 - 12:08:45 WET

Science fiction becomes real thanks to ham Fractal Antennas

Press release
Chip W1YW continues to pull new fodder for boffins from a ham radio hat. He recently announced that fractal antenna technology, developed from a need for smaller ham antennas over a quarter of a century ago, has produced both a human invisibility cloak, and a deflector shield.

"Many hams know about the invisibility cloak efforts, which use tiny fractal loops closely spaced, but few realize it's now been used to cloak a person successfully at microwaves. The video has been shown at PACIFICON recently and invisibility cloak demoes have been successfully run at a number of places, including IEEE Antenna and Propagation Society, ARRL Boxboro, and many others. Scientists themselves get obsessed with scholarly publications, and that should be out in the coming weeks."

And now for something completely different... that same ham-based technology has produced a deflector shield, like those predicted in science fiction.

"It's an extension of invisibility cloaks. Electromagnetic power hitting the shield passes around to the other side, and little momentum change happens to the object. It's not used for imaging as a cloak, but for power blockage," notes W1YW. Recently, Chip and his team made a deflector shield vest to prove it out." We got an excellent deflection response over a 25% bandwidth, a milestone in anyone's book."

W1YW continues giving live demonstrations of the fractal antenna based technology, with the latest on 16 November at the Radio Club of America. "Come see a cloak. Seeing is believing."
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