ARLA/CLUSTER: Ajudar as crianças do Butão e promover o radioamadorismo

João Gonçalves Costa joao.a.costa
Segunda-Feira, 28 de Maio de 2012 - 11:45:02 WEST

FGC DX Group now active from Bhutan

Members of the FGC DX Group (Foundation for Global Children) is now active as A5A from a mountain area in Bhutan until June 6th.

The multi-national team consists of Zorro JH1AJT (A5/A5A/A51A), Yutaka JJ1LIB (A52F), Akinori ZL1GO (A52GO), Kazuhiko VR2KF (A52KF) and Jon KL2A (A52X).

Activity will be on 80-6 meters including the 30/17/12 meter bands using CW, SSB and RTTY.

They plan to "erect high gain antennas, utilize receive antennas, and run amplifiers at 3 stations." They also plan to "Establish a radio station at Royal Thimphu College (first private college in Bhutan), and provide basic HAM radio lessons to RTC students."

QSL A5A via JH1AJT (see Web page for details).

For more details and update, visit the A5A Web page at:
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