ARLA/CLUSTER: "Escutar" meteoros via beacons em 50, 70 e 144 MHz.

João Gonçalves Costa joao.a.costa
Terça-Feira, 22 de Maio de 2012 - 14:19:43 WEST

Daylight meteor showers are here

If you have never experienced any meteor scatter signals on VHF before, then now is your chance to learn something about it.

Starting this week the Earth is passing through two intense daylight meteor showers, the Arietids and the Zeta Perseids with hourly rates of 54 and 20 respectively.

The first step is to listen for meteor signals from the VHF beacons on 50 MHz, 70 MHz and even on 144 MHz, as the meteor bursts should be audible thoughout the day.

Once you can hear the beacon signals then concentrate on 50,200 MHz SSB for any long distance contacts that may peak up to S9, alternatively you could also monitor 70,200 MHz FM.

These showers will continue throughout June until beginning of July 2012.

Fonte: The South African Radio League

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