ARLA/CLUSTER: 1ª Mini-Feira de prototipos realizados por jovens em Shenzhen's na China

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Domingo, 13 de Maio de 2012 - 08:15:22 WEST

Shenzhen's first Maker Faire

The first Maker Faire to be held in China took place in April, classes
teaching soldering proved especially popular.

In recent years there been a massive upsuge of interest in electronic
home construction with Hacker Spaces and Maker Faires springing up
across the UK, the USA and Japan.

The phenomena has also spread to China with a Mini Maker Faire being
held in the Shenzhen special economic zone last month. The event
attracted visitors from overseas as well as the Hacker Space in

Watch Maker Faire Shenzhen video from Dangerous Prototypes

In the video is a brief item about using giant fabric covered
components and leads to teach the basics of electronics that appears
at 2:35.

Pictures and reports of the event are at

Make: Japan report in Google English

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