ARLA/CLUSTER: FM na Banda dos 6 metros
João Costa > CT1FBF
Sexta-Feira, 4 de Maio de 2012 - 07:19:12 WEST
Caro Miguel,
Penso que a resposta está nas "Footnotes", "d" e "e"
The following notes are referring to the Usage column in the bandplan.
As already set out in the
introduction to section 3, in the right amateur spirit operators
should take notice of these agreements
which are made for operating convenience, but no right to reserved
frequencies can be derived from a
mention in the Usage column or from the following notes.
2.1. Footnotes
b. 50.0-50.1MHz is currently shared with Propagation Beacons. These
are due to be
migrated by August-2014 to 50.4-50.5 MHz, to create more space for
Telegraphy and
a new Synchronised Beacon Project
c. The intercontinental DX calling frequency 50.110 MHz should not be
used for calling
within the European part of Region 1 at any time.
d. Channelized equipment: On this band the FM channel spacing is 20/10 kHz.
e. For the specification of FM telephony see section 8.2
f. This segment is for simplex use only with no Digital Voice gateways
Embedded data traffic is allowed along with Digital Voice. DV users
should check that
the channel is not in use by other modes
g. Refer to Beacons Chapter for coordination of beacons in the beacon sub-band
For the numbering of FM telephony channels see 4.1
In those countries within the European part of IARU Region 1 where it
is allowed to set up FM
repeaters on 50 MHz, the indicated channels are recommended in order
to establish a
In those countries where the National Authorities do not permit
repeaters to operate with
output frequencies above 51 MHz, repeater output frequencies may be
500 kHz below the
repeater input frequencies.(Tel Aviv 1996)
João Costa (CT1FBF).
ARLA/CLUSTER: FM na Banda dos 6 metros
CT2HRB ct2hrb
Sexta-Feira, 4 de Maio de 2012 - 05:35:41 WEST
Bom Dia Caros Colegas,
Estive a consultar o plano de banda da IARU e surgiu-me uma dúvida:
No segmento para FM em simplex dos 51.410 até 51.590 MHz, que FM
devemos usar, Estreito ou Normal ?
Sendo a canalização de 10 kHz parece-me lógico o uso de FM Estreito
(+/- 2,5 kHz), o que pensam àcerca disto ?
Mais informações acerca da lista CLUSTER