ARLA/CLUSTER: DXCC Online dentro de menos de 1 mês

João Gonçalves Costa joao.a.costa
Terça-Feira, 20 de Março de 2012 - 18:40:25 WET

Over the past several years, the DXCC has been working on a system where applicants would enter QSO data from their QSLs into a digital DXCC application.

With DXCC staff's data entry time reduced, they could charge less than a traditional application, process more applications in the same time, and provide better customer service.

Well, word has come out that their programmers are near completion and are currently beta-testing the system which will be called 'Online DXCC'.

The following is a brief description of this system and the Card Checker's role: "For the most part, the DXCC Card Checker's job hasn't changed much. After the applicant has typed-in the QSO data from the QSLs (or loaded-in an ADIF file that comes from a logging program), he/she will print the application and either bring it to a DXCC Card Checker or mail it and the cards to HQ, like normal. They will still heavily rely on a DXCC Card Checker's expertise and knowledge to inspect the QSL cards and ensure that the data that has been entered and printed by the applicant is correct.

The DXCC Card Checker will still need to carefully mark changes on the printout. When all is done, the DXCC Card Checker will sign-off on the application and mail it to HQ, as before."

What is different is that the applicant will not have to organize cards by band and mode, but instead can simply enter the data from each card in any order they are found. The applicant must leave the cards in the same order in which they are entered, as it obviously that makes it easy for the DXCC Card Checker to work through the cards and compare against the record sheet. If a QSL has two or more QSOs listed, and the applicant needs them all, he/she no longer must put these cards at the back of the application.

Also new is that there is an option for the applicant to pay for the application with a credit card inside "Online DXCC". Unfortunately, there is no easy way to have the applicant pay electronically for the DXCC Card Checker's mailing expense, so they will still have to collect cash for mailing in the same manner as they do now. The "Online DXCC" forms them-selves are representations of the paper forms to which everyone is currently accustomed too.

The "Online DXCC" is expected to possibly be available in less than a month. Be looking for more details to be forthcoming.

Fonte: OPDX

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