ARLA/CLUSTER: Senegal celebra autorização nos 6m com o indicativo 6V7SIX

João Gonçalves Costa joao.a.costa
Quinta-Feira, 8 de Março de 2012 - 11:58:05 WET

Senegal celebrates new 6m allocation

Members of the Saly Amateur Radio Club Station (ADRASEC) in Mbour will activate the special callsign 6V7SIX to celebrate the newly allocated band 50-51 MHz in Senegal, recently obtained at WRC-12.

This is a temporary authorization valid until the new ITU Radio Regulations (WRC-12) come into force, normally by the end of 2012.

The 6V7SIX Radio Club operators will be listening to 50.110 MHz (Intercontinental calling frequency) and 50.210 MHz (French calling frequency).

The 6V7SIX callsign is the first, and for now, the only station authorized to operate on the 6-meter band in Senegal.

6V7SIX is proud to be sponsored by the UK Six Meter Group (UKSMG) and InnovAntennas.

QSL via eQSL and LoTW only.

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