ARLA/CLUSTER: SolderSmoke Amateur Radio Podcast 145

João Gonçalves Costa joao.a.costa
Terça-Feira, 31 de Julho de 2012 - 10:49:19 WEST

A new episode of the SolderSmoke amateur radio Podcast is available.

In this edition:
- Derecho Storm hits Northern Virginia
- Cappuccio impersonates a Pitt Bull
- July 4 Fireworks
- A 17 Meter QSO with W5JAY (QRP Hall of Famer)
- Rules of Thumb for Decoupling Caps (.1 uF now suspect)
- Heathkit:  Mic jack?  Or Mike jack?  (Who is this Mike guy?)
- On the air with the K2ZA DX-100
- Saturnian Sidewalk Astronomy
- NJQRP "Chat With The Designers"
- Mandatory Listening!
- Back with the ARRL: Goodwill Transmitters and Herring Aid Receivers
- Billy's computer build and Arduino adventures
- Fixing up NE602 20 meter DC rig
- Join G-QRP!  Support our SPRAT!
- Mailbag

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For Podcasts :

For the associated blog see:

Check out "SolderSmoke -- The Book":

SolderSmoke -- Global Adventures in Wireless Electronics Now available on Amazon's Kindle e-reader:

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