ARLA/CLUSTER: Como cobrir o aumento dos custos das DXpeditons.?

João Gonçalves Costa joao.a.costa
Segunda-Feira, 30 de Julho de 2012 - 12:59:41 WEST

The rising cost of DXpeditons

'Dee' Logan, W1HEO, is researching an article on the rising costs of DXpeditons for the DX Magazine, and would like to hear from DXpeditioners for their comments on how to cover the rising costs of DXpeditions.

Specific areas of interest: examples of specific costs and reasons for their larger amounts, and suggestions for new sources or approaches to donations.

Comments are requested within the next two weeks.

Respond to W1HEO at: deverelogan<mailto:deverelogan>

Fonte: PPDX

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