ARLA/CLUSTER: 20 000 frequências "wireless" para os Jogos Olímpicos de Londres 2012

João Gonçalves Costa joao.a.costa
Terça-Feira, 24 de Janeiro de 2012 - 13:16:12 WET

Ofcom - record spectrum demand at London 2012 Games

The UK communications regulator will be assigning up to 20,000 wireless frequencies to be used for the Games in London, more than double the number usually assigned in a year.

Ofcom say it is expected that the demand will come from the following sources:

- Increased use of wireless cameras to achieve more dramatic and close-up action shots
- More wireless microphones to add flexibility in capturing the sounds of the Games
- Wireless location, timing and scoring technology to give more detailed and immediate information about the event as it happens
- Wireless communications used by team members, sports officials, organisers and support staff
- Sports commentaries distributed wirelessly to the venue audience for the benefit of hearing and visually impaired spectators
- The use of wireless communications by security and emergency staff to keep everyone at the event safe

Read the full Ofcom announcement at

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