ARLA/CLUSTER: "Broadcasting" publica indiana cessa interferencias na
banda dos 40m
João Gonçalves Costa
Quinta-Feira, 19 de Janeiro de 2012 - 12:15:39 WET
7 MHz interference from All India Radio ceases
On the IARU Region 1 site DK2OM reports that the interference to the amateur radio 7 MHz band from All India Radio has ceased.
He writes:
On Dec. 1st 2011 HB9CET and DK2OM found white noise like distributions on 7000 - 7040 kHz. Further analysis showed, that the noise was transmitted from 6960 - 7040 and also on 7820 kHz every evening.
Calculation by DK2OM: 7820 kHz - 7000 kHz = 820 kHz. The center of the spurious emissions was expected on the center QRG 7410 kHz.
The German PTT and DK2OM took more measurements and bearings. Indeed, All India Radio on 7410 kHz caused these terrible emissions. The German PTT (BNetzA) and the Swiss PTT (BAKOM) sent official complaints to the Indian authority. VU2GMN assisted by a personal complaint. Many thanks to DJ9KR, PA2GRU, HB9CET for observations.
On January 13th 2012 the transmitter (close to New Delhi) was repaired, and our band was free again!
IARU Region 1
Please log reports of intruders in the amateur bands online at
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