ARLA/CLUSTER: RE: O Serviço de Amador ganha uma nova faixa perto dos 500 kHz na WRC-12
João Gonçalves Costa
Quinta-Feira, 16 de Fevereiro de 2012 - 16:24:48 WET
472-479 kHz
Foi aprovada na Conferência Mundial das Radiocomunicações de 2012 (WRC-12), a decorrer em Genebra - Suíça, uma nova alocação de 7 Khz - a título secundário - para o Serviço de Amador entre as frequências de 472Khz e 479Khz.
Esta nova alocação será oficial após o terminus da WRC-12 na próxima sexta-feira dia 17 de Fevereiro de 2012, passando assim a fazer parte do Regulamento de Radiocomunicações da ITU.
A potência EIRP máxima autorizada nesta nova alocação é de 1W, podendo no entanto as administrações nacionais autorizar até um máximo de 5W. A possibilidade de autorização dos 5W EIRP está limitada por restrições geográficas, é necessário que as estações de radioamador estejam localizadas a mais de 800 kms dos países mencionados em nota de rodapé (da Agenda Item 1.23), ex. Marrocos.
Caberá depois às administrações nacionais dos diversos países (em Portugal a ANACOM) adotarem, ou não, esta nova alocação, bem como a definição de como esta poderá ser utilizada (ex. potências autorizadas, modos autorizados, categoria de radioamadores autorizados a operar, etc).
Fonte: CT-Spot Radioamadorismo em Portugal (Tradução em português via IARU)
De: cluster-bounces [mailto:cluster-bounces] Em nome de João Gonçalves Costa
Enviada: quarta-feira, 15 de Fevereiro de 2012 17:04
Para: CLUSTER (cluster
Assunto: ARLA/CLUSTER: O Serviço de Amador ganha uma nova faixa perto dos 500 kHz na WRC-12
Importância: Alta
Special The Amateur Radio Service Gains A Band Near 500 kHz
Written by IARU Secretary Rod Stafford W6ROD
Wednesday, 15 February 2012 15:54
Special WRC Report Number Three The Amateur Radio Service Gains A Band Near 500 kHz
472-479 kHz. The worldwide amateur radio service has a new frequency band, 472 to 479 kHz. It is a secondary allocation. There are other services in that portion of the spectrum that must not be interfered with by the amateur operation.The aeronautical radionavigation service is a primary service in the band 415-495 kHz in the following areas: Australia, China, the French overseas communities of Region 3, Korea (Rep. of), India, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Japan, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea and Sri Lanka. The aeronautical radionavigation service is a primary service in the band 435-495 kHz in the following areas: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. The amateurs are allowed to use the band so long as it does not cause interference to this primary service or the maritime mobile service operating in the 472-479 kHz band. There are some countries that will not allow amateur radio operation in the 472-479 kHz band. The use of the frequency band 472-479 kHz in Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Belarus, China, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, the Russian Federation, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Oman, Uzbekistan, Qatar, Syrian Arab Republic, Kyrgyzstan, Somalia, Sudan, Tunisia and Yemen is limited to the maritime mobile and aeronautical radionavigation services. The amateur service shall not be used in the above-mentioned countries in this frequency band, and this should be taken into account by the countries authorizing such use.
The ITU Radio Regulations provide that radio amateurs are limited to 1 watt (e.i.r.p.) however administrations whose territory is beyond 800 kilometers from the borders of the following countries may increase the operating power to 5 watts (e.i.r.p.): Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Belarus, China, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, the Russian Federation, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Mauritania, Oman, Uzbekistan, Qatar, Syrian Arab Republic, Kyrgyzstan, Somalia, Sudan, Tunisia, Ukraine and Yemen. The change becomes effective with the adoption of the Final Acts of the Conference. Of course, it will be determined by each administration around the world as to what modes and bandwidths will be used in this portion of the spectrum and when hams in that country will have access to the spectrum. More activities from the WRC-12 will be reported at the end of the WRC. The WRC continues until 17 February. There is an effort underway to place an amateur radio agenda item on the agenda for the next WRC which will take place in 2015.
Last Updated on Wednesday, 15 February 2012 16:01
WRC-12: Future Agenda Items (2)
Written by Hans Blondeel Timmerman
Wednesday, 15 February 2012 15:17
Today the WRC-12 plenary meeting went over the list of future Agenda Items (for WRC-15 and WRC-18) in second reading. I am happy to report that the meeting agreed that WRC-15 will consider a possible new secondary amateur allocation within the band 5 250 - 5 450 kHz in accordance with Resolution COM6/12 (WRC-12). Earlier today the WRC-12 Plenary came to an agreement in first reading on the text of the Resolution.
Last Updated on Wednesday, 15 February 2012 15:51
Fonte: IARU R1
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