ARLA/CLUSTER: Boeing usa batatas para testar Wi-Fi nos aviões

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Sábado, 22 de Dezembro de 2012 - 14:03:09 WET

Se hoje fosse 1 de Abril, ninguém acreditaria que os " pesquisadores
da empresa dizem que as batatas "interagem" com sinais eletrônicos de
forma semelhante aos seres humanos". Valha-nos Santa Quitéria
padroeira e protectora do gado.!
Boeing uses potatoes to test aircraft Wi-Fi

 The BBC reports that US planemaker Boeing is using potatoes to test
the propagation characteristics of Wi-Fi on a plane.

 Passenger seats on a decommissioned plane were loaded with huge sacks
of the tubers for several days as signal strengths were checked.

 The company's researchers say that potatoes "interact" with
electronic signals in a similar way to humans.

 Read the BBC News report at

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