ARLA/CLUSTER: 'D-Star Live' dia 29 de dezembro das 16H às 20H UTC

João Gonçalves Costa joao.a.costa
Quarta-Feira, 19 de Dezembro de 2012 - 11:11:14 WET

Live D-Star broadcast will be doing a live internet broadcast called 'D-Star Live' on Dec 29th from 1600 until 2000 UTC.

Ray Novak N9JA, Icom's division sales manager is flying in for it and we will also have other special guests.

Robin Cutshaw AA4RC the co-inventor and developer of the dongle and DVAP will be with us. We will discuss all aspects of D-star.

There is a chatroom on our video broadcast page where you can ask questions to the experts.

Check out the website at  or join us on our facebook broadcast page at  for more details.

Tom, W5KUB
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