ARLA/CLUSTER: Radioamadores da Nova Zelandia ganham acesso a nova
João Gonçalves Costa
Segunda-Feira, 10 de Dezembro de 2012 - 11:27:35 WET
NZ amateurs get access to 600 kHz band
NZART, the national association representing Amateur Radio in New Zealand, has successfully negotiated access to the 600 kHz band.
In a message to members, they write:
As members may be aware, the band 472 kHz to 479 kHz was allocated to the Amateur service for use on a secondary basis at the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC) held earlier this year.
We have now agreed the basis on which New Zealand Amateurs will be given access to this band with the Radio Spectrum Policy and Planning Group of the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment:
* Frequency range: 472 kHz to 479 kHz
* Type of allocation: Secondary (see definition below)
* Power Output: 25 W eirp
* Bandwidth restrictions: None (the previous 200 Hz limit is removed)
As a result of this new allocation, Amateurs will no longer have access to the previous temporary allocation at 505 - 515 kHz. The Ministry has, however, agreed that the temporary use in the band 505 kHz to 515 kHz will be permitted for one further year, until the end of 2013, to provide amateurs with an opportunity to retune and/or rebuild their equipment.
The Amateur General User Licence has been updated to reflect these changes which take effect from 20 December 2012.
The updated GURL can be found at:
Definition of Secondary Allocation
For members who are unfamiliar with the concept of a secondary allocation, the following excerpt from the International Radio Regulations may be of interest:
"Allocations are made on a primary or on a secondary basis. Stations of a secondary service cannot cause harmful interference to stations of primary services to which frequencies are already assigned or to which frequencies may be assigned at a later date. Stations of a secondary service cannot claim protection from harmful interference from stations of a primary service to which frequencies are already assigned or to which frequencies may be assigned at a later date."
Don Wallace, ZL2TLL
NZART Administration Liaison Officer
NZART Website:
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