ARLA/CLUSTER: Antenas: G5RV vs Alpha Delta DX LB Plus por VE2XIP

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Terça-Feira, 28 de Agosto de 2012 - 11:41:51 WEST

G5RV vs Alpha Delta DX LB Plus

SWR analysis of a G5RV antenna

SWR analysis of a Alpha Delta DX LB Plus antenna

Summary results; when compared.

Alpha Delta: Best on 160, 40, 20, 17 and 10 meter, will do okay on 80,
15 and 12 meter, horrible on 6 meter.

G5RV: Best on 80, 20 and 12 meter, will do okay on 40 and 15 meter,
will tune portions of 6 meter, not very good on 10 meter and horrible
on 160 meter.

The word that best describe the single advice I can give someone about
putting up either antennas is -height-. Try to put them as high as
possible and clear of any metal structure and/or objects. Twenty-five
feet is the usual minimum recommended height, I would recommend even
higher, 40 to 50 feet if you can manage it. These antennas will work
best horizontally, but still work fine as an inverted-v, just remember
to have an acute angle of at least 90 degrees and their ends at least
6 feet off the ground.

Fonte: Blogue de VE2XIP

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