ARLA/CLUSTER: Proposta para a Categoria 3 na Belgica eleva potencia para 50W e acesso de 3,5 a 52 MHz e 144 / 430 MHz

João Gonçalves Costa joao.a.costa
Segunda-Feira, 2 de Abril de 2012 - 18:17:52 WEST

50 watts for Foundation holders in Belgium

The UBA reports on plans to allow Belgian Foundation licence holders to run 50 watts on HF instead of the previous 10 watts.

Belgian Foundation holders are currently permitted 50 watts on 144 and 430 MHz and 10 watts in the bands from 3.5 to 52 MHz. The new proposal means they would be able to run 50 watts on the HF and 6m bands.

The website of the national radio society the UBA says that taking into account the 3dB rule this would permit the use of a standard 100W transceiver.

See the proposals in Google English at

The consulation document of the regulator BIPT can be seen at

UBA in Google English


Equivalências entre as recomendações da CEPT e as classes nos Estados Unidos e Reino Unido, e categorias actuais em Portugal:

- CEPT Entry Level Amateur Radio Licence, baseada na Recomendação ECC Report 89 equivalente nos EUA à Tech Class, no Reino Unido à Foundation Class, em Portugal à CATEGORIA 3.

- ECC/REC/(05)06 (CEPT Novice Licence), baseada na Recomendação ERC Report 32 corresponde nos EUA à General Class e no Reino Unido à Intermediate licence, em Portugal à CATEGORIA 2.

- CEPT T/R 61-01 (CEPT HAREC Radio Amateur Licence), baseada na Recomendação de exame CEPT T/R 61-02 corresponde nos EUA à Extra Class e no Reino Unido à Advanced/Full licence, em Portugal à CATEGORIA 1.

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