ARLA/CLUSTER: Propostas Aprovadas pelo Grupo de trabalho CEPT para o Serviço de Amador.

João Gonçalves Costa joao.a.costa
Quarta-Feira, 28 de Setembro de 2011 - 12:57:55 WEST

Propostas Aprovadas pelo Grupo de Trabalho CEPT para o Serviço de Amador (WGRA) entre 20 e 23 de Setembro em Praga, República Checa (tradução livre para português):

WGRA alterou editorialmente  (através da remoção de países não-relevantes dos anexos) as Recomendações CEPT T / R 61-01, T / R 61-02 e ECC / REC / (05) 06. (CEPT Novice licence (Categoria 2 em Portugal))

WGRA também incentivou as administrações da CEPT a participar no desenvolvimento do projecto de Recomendação ECC para os novos procedimentos do exame nacional para radioamadores Deficientes.

João Costa (CT1FBF)


CEPT Radio Amateur Working Group (WGRA)

The 24th meeting of the CEPT Radio Amateur Working Group (WGRA) was held September 20-23, 2011 in Prague, Czech Republic.

The outcome of the meeting was:

- WGRA editorially amended (by removing non-relevant countries from the Annexes) CEPT Recommendations T/R 61-01, T/R 61-02 and ECC/REC/(05)06.(CEPT Novice licence)  

- WGRA also encouraged CEPT administrations to participate in the development of the draft new ECC Recommendation on national examination procedures for radio amateurs with disabilities. 

To access the RA 2 documents follow these steps:

1) Go to
2) Click on the 'Meeting Documents' tab
3) In the 'Group' box select 'RA 2' from the drop-down menu
4) Click on the 'Info' or 'Working' documents
5) Click on the tick boxes of the documents you wish to view
6) Click on the 'Download selected' button at the bottom of the page

Information on WGRA can be found via the 'Groups' tab drop down menu at 

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