ARLA/CLUSTER: Novos Canais em 2m para repetidores digitais em discussão no Spectrum Forum meeting

João Gonçalves Costa joao.a.costa
Segunda-Feira, 26 de Setembro de 2011 - 10:27:17 WEST

New UK 2m repeater channels

The UKrepeaters website has issued a statement regarding new 2m repeater channels agreed by IARU Region 1 in Sun City.

UKrepeaters is the web presence of the RSGB Emerging Technology Co-ordination Committee. The statement says:

As detailed in a previous news item, two new 2 Metre repeater channels have been added to the Region 1 band plan. It is intended to have a full discussion on this subject at the next Spectrum Forum meeting on 5th November.

To assist in our decision making the ETCC would welcome comments from all on how, or indeed if, these frequencies could be allocated to ensure efficient and effective use of the spectrum.

Submissions may be made to the ETCC Chairman by 21st October using the contacts tab on this page

If it is decided to adopt these frequencies for repeater use in the UK they will be included in the new bandplan due for issue in early 2012.


Southgate - New 2m repeater channels

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