ARLA/CLUSTER: EANET Sprint Contest 2011

ARLA - Associação de Radioamadores do Litoral Alentej ARLA - Associação de Radioamadores do Litoral Alentej
Sábado, 8 de Outubro de 2011 - 21:09:23 WEST

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From: Federacion Digital EA <fediea>
Date: 2011/10/7
Subject: EANET Sprint Contest 2011
To: cs1rla.arla

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Noticias de radioafición...
 EANET Sprint Contest

[image: Diploma EANET]
the latest fashion of shortened contests, but keeping the original
philosophy of the Award of the same name, devoted to the "*Radio Clubs of
the World*", this event is called for the *20th of November*, lasting only 4
hours but with a more competitive mind.

Original and fun prizes await winners, as well as providing a good
opportunity to contact those radio clubs missing to complete the *EANET

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© 1992-2011 *Federación Digital EA


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