ARLA/CLUSTER: Ecos da Guerra Fria; a misteriosa estação "Buzzer" em 4625 kHz.
João Gonçalves Costa
Terça-Feira, 22 de Novembro de 2011 - 11:35:32 WET
Cold War Echo
The Russia Today YouTube News Channel carried an interesting story about the mysterious Russian 'Buzzer' station on 4625 kHz.
Cold War Echo: Unraveling mysterious radiowave UVB-76
Among the hundreds of radio stations in Russia, there is one that is seemingly out-of-this-world. Instead of music or news, these broadcasts are of mysterious voices and noises which have radio enthusiasts baffled. It leaves some wondering what's the message behind these noises. RT's Yegor Piskunov's tuned-in.
Fonte: Alan, G4TMV
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