Res: ARLA/CLUSTER: Para a nossa proxima actividade no campo.

Sergio Oliveira covairia
Sábado, 19 de Novembro de 2011 - 19:45:23 WET

Continuo a defender um pouco de fibra e uns atilhos. Há uns kits de prato de
parabolica com ventosa para afixar no automóvel. 
ou no vidro da torre de vigia. 
73 de Sergio Oliveira CT2IFT shack in IM59QP - Long-8.66495W (-8º39'54"W)
Lat 39.62625N (39º37'35"N) 
Av. Beato Nuno, 18 (Ed. Lagoa), 2495-401 FATIMA - Tel 91 779 2815 
Tertúlia no r/c do shack no Ed. Lagoa: café Cervejaria Luís das 11:30 às
-------Mensagem original------- 
De: João Costa > CT1FBF 
Data: 19-11-2011 11:58:10 
Para: Cluster-ARLA 
Assunto: ARLA/CLUSTER: Para a nossa proxima actividade no campo. 
WIBE 25m Antenna telescopic mast 
WIBE masts and accessories are in service in the Scandinavian and NATO 
market, in the U.S.Active, Guard, and Reserve Forces, in the Canadian 
Forces, and in the security forces in the Middle East and the Far 
Over 15,000 WIBE masts are currently in service with defense forces 
across the globe, and there are 1,000s of WIBE masts in service with 
civil and commercial organizations. WIBE is a Swedish based company 
with dedicated representatives in USA, Great Britain, Israel and 
Mobile, telescopic masts in aluminum for all weather conditions and up 
to 30 meters in height… 
Fonte: SPARKY's Blog 
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