ARLA/CLUSTER: Delegação da AMSAT-China vai estar na Dayton Hamvention.

João Gonçalves Costa joao.a.costa
Quinta-Feira, 12 de Maio de 2011 - 13:23:11 WEST

AMSAT-China delegation to attend Dayton

Five members of the Chinese AMSAT group will be attending this year's Dayton Hamvention, May 20-22 and will have an HO68 display on the AMSAT-NA booth.

On the AMSAT bulletin board Michael Chen BD5RV writes:

Are you going to Dayton this year? If you do, try to stop by the CAMSAT and HO68 display at AMSAT booth and say hello. I'll be happy to meet you. Alan, BA1DU is going to present amateur satellite activities in China as well as HO68 in AMSAT forum.

I believe this will be the first time that a delegation from China to demonstrate on Dayton Hamvention. Everyone is welcomed.

The CAMSAT delegation consists of Alan/BA1DU, Ken/BH4REQ, Jin/BA4TA, and I.


Michael Chen, BD5RV/4



AMSAT-NA at Dayton

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