ARLA/CLUSTER: V/UHF Contest 'Memorial CT1WW' in Portugal

João Gonçalves Costa joao.a.costa
Quarta-Feira, 4 de Maio de 2011 - 12:19:50 WEST

 The Portuguese amateur radio club 'Tertúlia Radiomadorística Douriense' organizes next 7 and 8 of May (from 14h00 UTC/Saturday to 14h00 UTC/Sunday) the V/UHF Contest 'Memorial CT1WW' in memory of Tiago - CT1WW.

The contest will be held in 50MHz, 144MHz, 432MHz and 1296MHz. The logs should be received, in EDI format, before 15 May (23:59 UTC) via email log .

Now that 6 meters E-Sporadic season just started, this may be a good opportunity to do some VHF QSO's.

The contest rules can be found in the club website, 
or directly at

Fonte: Southgate Amateur Radio News

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