ARLA/CLUSTER: Pacific Coast of America and Tsunami
João Gonçalves Costa
Segunda-Feira, 21 de Março de 2011 - 13:09:59 WET
Caros colegas
Esta informação tem por fonte a IARU R1- Comunicações de Emergência através da Rede dos Emissores Portugueses como associação membro da IARU.
Agradece-se a sua divulgação a todos os Radioamadores.
73 e Obrigado
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Greg Mossop
Date: 2011/3/19
Subject: [R1emcor] Pacific Coast of America and Tsunami
The following text has been produced by Cesar Pio Santos about the effect of the Tsunami on Region 2. I will post it to our website this afternoon.
Greg, G0DUB IARU Region 1 Emergency Communications Co-Ordinator
After the Tsunami originated by the Japan Earthquake on Friday, March 11,
2011; then several American countries began to issue warning, to their populations
located near the Pacific Coast.
Marco Loarca, TG9ANM, ECAG AREA D of IARU R2; reported that during these
day, the CRAG (Club de Radio Aficionados de Guatemala), was able to maintain communication via VHF- UHF with radio operators located near the Pacific of Guatemala.
Jorge Sierra, LU1AS, ECAG Area G of IARU R2, reported that RECNA (Red Chilena Nor Austral), monitored the frequency 7.070 and from 17:00 local hours, the VHF-UHF Network was activated.
Daniel Lamoureux VE2KA, reported that there has been no damage from the Tsunami, on Western Coast of Canada.
A.R.E.S (Amateur Radio Emergency Services) of the Central California Coast,
Santa Cruz County,on Friday, March 11, 2011, approximately 08:00 AM PST,
reported the follows:
Sirens wailed and reverse 911 alerted residents in low lying beach zones of Santa Cruz County today for the impending danger of the Tsunami released as a result of the 8.9 earthquake in Japan.
Early Friday morning the Santa Cruz County A.R.E.S. Team activated the Santa Cruz County Tsunami Resource Net in advance of the anticipated 5 to 7 foot
wave. It was expected to reach the Santa Cruz Coast around 8:00 AM.
More than 30 local A.R.E.S. radio operators staffed and manned served agencies including the Santa Cruz County Emergency Operations Center, Evacuation Centers, The Red Cross, Salvation Army Corp Canteen Truck One, Santa Cruz County Harbor Coast Guard Auxiliary and a number of local Fire Departments.
In addition to the served agencies, a number of hams provided remote observation of the coast line and communications capabilities at the evacuation centers.
As expected, the devastating Tsunami waves impacted the coast and did an
estimated 15 million dollars of damage to the Santa Cruz Harbor. More than 100 boats, including fishing vessels, pleasure boats and yachts, were either damaged or sunk as a result of the waves.
Santa Cruz was not alone in receiving significant damage as a result of the
powerful waves. Crescent City, located approximately 500 miles North of Santa
Cruz, also received heavy damage causing Governor Brown to declare these
areas disaster zones. One person died as a result of being swept out to sea with the high waves.
Cesar Pio Santos A. HR2P
Rede dos Emissores Portugueses
Associação Nacional de Radioamadores
Fundada em 1926 - Membro da IARU desde 1931
Membro ARISS-Europa / REP-ARISS
Instituição de Utilidade Pública desde 1980
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Fonte: radioamadores_algarve Em nome de REP-Rede dos Emissores Portugueses
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