ARLA/CLUSTER: OH2HQ: Jovens finlandesas vão operar desde Rádio Arcala no IARU HF World Championship 2011

João Gonçalves Costa joao.a.costa
Quinta-Feira, 7 de Julho de 2011 - 13:04:12 WEST


Working OH2HQ may land you not only another HQ multiplier but may give you a good feeling and reinforce your faith in the future of Amateur Radio - so look for these four guys with their well prepared and balanced effort in their first serious contest.

[]<>   Mari, (YL) 18, OH2FPK is a true mother figure of the group, radiating sympathy and empathy, but also ready to guide the gang to the best possible results. Mari can fight for her frequency if needed as she is one of the nation's best for her age in a Japanese martial art called taido. Mari is targeting for a meteorological profession and she can communicate with you in both English and Russian.

        Leevi, 17, OH2FHN is the group's superb CW operator but also the team's technical expert. Leevi is a seasoned antenna builder and feels at ease working with electronics. He was just rewarded with a Bencher paddle to bring his CW to new heights. Leevi is comfortable with teaching the group as he conducts amateur radio courses, specializing in the technical part.

        Joona, 13, OH2FPG is the youngest member of the team but well experienced to communicate with people both on radio and in person thanks to his participation in several ham radio promotional exhibits. Joona is quite outspoken and deals with the group's IT needs with his extensive knowledge as another bright youth. Joona can handle the multitudes with his good command of English.

        Joel, 13, OH2FHI is multi-talented and has coupled his burgeoning contesting interest with a focus on music as his way of life. When the IARU contest starts, Joel may blow a few sounds on the air from his accompanying trumpet. Joel is a true powerhouse and lots of fun as an expert young team-builder with his humor and ready wit. English is Joel's mother language.

So, this team has a very balanced skill set to do well at Radio Arcala's Northern outpost faced with all the expected and unexpected challenges. They plan to do a series of internal 2-hour runs to sort out their rates and then target for the best score along with maximum learning experience while exploiting their current skill levels to meet a variety of needs for achieving the highest possible QSO total.

The Finnish Amateur Radio League (SRAL) is the Finnish national IARU society with more than 4300 OH members while Radio Arcala is an alliance of dedicated Finnish contesters with the aim to increase the awareness of competitive amateur radio and related concepts among today's youth through Arcala's extreme and novel approach. There is no doubt that these youngsters get a kick out of turning the mammoth 40-ton antenna constructions and driving the contest machine from the airplane-like Arcala cockpit. Radio extreme at its best.

Check out the Radio Arcala website at

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