ARLA/CLUSTER: África do Sul: Nova regulamentação será uma mentira do dia 1 de Abril..?

João Gonçalves Costa joao.a.costa
Segunda-Feira, 4 de Abril de 2011 - 17:22:34 WEST

New SA regulations raise concerns 

The new South African radio regulations were published on 31 March and came into effect on 1 April 2011. Unfortunately, a number of mistakes have crept in, which ICASA is already working on to rectify as soon as possible.

The regulation for a ZU license is incorrect; the word "under" was left out in front of the 20 years. The situation is as follows: anyone can write the class B examination. There is no age restriction, but if you are over 20 years of age you 
cannot apply for a class B license, also known as a ZU license. If you have a class B qualification you will be able to keep a ZU license until you reach 25, when the license falls away.

The position of current ZU license holders has not been finalised. ICASA is likely to allow a two-year grace period for persons over 25 with a class B qualification to upgrade their class B certificate to a class A and apply for a class A license. To upgrade means having to write the class A examination. 

Candidates over 20 years of age who have registered for the class B examination may still write, but should note that they will not be able to apply for any Amateur Radio license. 

The SARL recommends that you change your registration to Class A or request that your registration is postponed till the October examination to allow you more time to study.

In line with common practice, the Regulation Syllabus for the May examination remains unchanged, since it is already midterm. 

Candidates will thus be examined on the regulations in force when they started their studies earlier this year. 
The examination papers have already been completed. 
In the October examination candidates will be examined on the new regulations and any amendments that may be published soon.

If you are currently a ZR, you now have the same privileges as a ZS license holder. The upgrade process falls away. The new table of amateur radio frequency allocation is incorrect. Both ZR and ZS should follow the frequencies and power limits marked as A1. ZR license holders do not have to change their callsign.

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