ARLA/CLUSTER: Novas normas para "Spread Spectrum" nos E.U.A.

João Gonçalves Costa joao.a.costa
Sexta-Feira, 1 de Abril de 2011 - 12:25:30 WEST

Revised Spread Spectrum rules to go into effect April 29, 2011

The revisions to the FCC rules affecting Spread Spectrum transmissions will go into effect April 29, 2011. The Report and Order was published in the March 30 Federal Register.

Details on the revisions can be found on the web at,

Adopted February 22 and released March 4, 2011, the Report and Order eliminates the requirement that amateur stations transmitting Spread Spectrum use Automatic Power Control (APC) to reduce transmitter power. The Commission also reduced the maximum power of a Spread Spectrum emission from 100 W to 10 W PEP.

The Question Pool Committee of the National Council of Volunteer Examiner Coordinators has removed a related question, E1F13, from the Amateur Extra Class Question Pool.

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