João Costa > CT1FBF
Domingo, 17 de Outubro de 2010 - 15:06:57 WEST
[image: Erde] *INTERNATIONAL NAVAL CONTEST 2010* [image: Erde]
[image: MF logo]
The International Naval Contest (INC) takes place every year on the second
weekend of December.
This year, *MF* (German Naval Society, Marinefunkerrunde) will be organizing
the International Naval Contest.
*When:* *11th December 2010 16:00 UTC* to *12st December 2010 15:59
*Bands: 1.8- 3.5 - 7 - 14 - 21 - 28 MHz*
(Attention: 160 m is new in this advertisement for testing if the night
hours would be more interesting.)
*Mode: CW - SSB - Mixed*
*Informations to be given on contact:*
1. Naval Club Member: RST+CLUB+MEMBERSHIP NUMBER (eg. "599 MF004")
2. Non Naval Member: RST+NUMBER (eg. "599 001")
1. Naval Club Members: 10 Points
2. Non Naval Members: 1 Point
1. Every contacted and logged member of a participating Naval Club.
2. Every station only counted once as multiplier during the contest
regardless the number of bands you work them on.
Participation in contest only allowed as a member of *o n e* club,
do not use different club membership numbers!
*Score:* Total QSO points * Multipliers = total score
*Participating naval clubs:*
ANARS Australian Naval Amateur Radio Society: AX BMARS Belgian Maritime
Amateur Radio Society: BM MFCA Marine Funker Club Austria: CA FNARS Finnish
Naval Amateur Radio Society: FN INORC Italian "Navy Old Rhythmers Club": IN
MARAC Marine Amateur Radio Club Netherlands: MA MF Marinefunker-Runde e.V.:
MF ARMI Associazione Radioamatori Marinai Italiani: MI RNARS Royal Naval
Amateur Radio Society: RN YO-MARC Romanian Marine Radio Amateur Club:
YO NRA Núcleo
de Radio Amadores da Armada Portugal: PN
A = all band mixed mode (single op)
B = all band CW (single op)
C = all band SSB (single op)
D = all band SWL
E = Naval Club Station (multi op)
F = Non Naval
*Trophys:* 1st winner of each class
*Awards:* A Special Award will be present to sencond/third classified
stations of each class.
All electronic logs are to use formats: Cabrillo, Word, Excel, Text or ADIF
Each Log is to be titled at least with the contest stations call sign and
participating class. If there are missing these informations or one of them
the log will be disqualified from evaluation!
Having into consideration that there still could be a number of Old Men who
won't use computers for logging, we will accept handwritten paper logs
exceptionally. However these logs will be excluded from evaluation and they
will only be accepted as checklogs. This method seems to be necessary in
accordance with a fair and fast evaluation process and results also in
recommendations of former contest managers.
A summary sheet is to have a signed "FAIR PLAY STATEMENT" stating that
contest rules and general amateur rules have been applied during operation.
Feasible calculation of the total score should be a necessity.
*Contest manager:*
(All handwritten paper logs are to be forwarded)
MF-Runde e.V.
Albert Homrighausen, DF8LD
Am Fliederbogen 2
D-24980 Schafflund
*Elektronic logs are to be addressed to:*
*mailto: df8ld <df8ld>*
(every recepted log will be confirmed with a short mail from
contest manager)
*Logs to be received by:* 1st February 2011
(deadline / final date of letter cover)
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